Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Reese's Debut

Well, I went to the doctor today and had made no progress. When doing the physical exam, my doctor could no longer feel if Reese had her head down. She requested an ultrasound for fear that she had turned. Sure enough, little Ms. Reese had done an acrobatic feat and turned sideways - getting herself stuck. It was clear the likelihood of her turning back would be next to impossible since she is so big.

So the decision was made to do a c-section tomorrow at 9:30 am. My doctor's fear was that with me being so close to 40 weeks, I would go into labor, Reese would still not have turned, and then it would turn into an emergency c-section (which anything with the word emergency in it is not a good thing).

I am not at all worried about the c-section. Too many of my friends have had them and all turned out fine. To say I was surprised would be more accurate. It was just a possibility I had not considered.

We'll be sure to provide an update once we get home for the hospital and are settled. For now, I'm off to get my last night of what will be uninterrupted sleep - at least for the next few months!

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